
Customer Testimonials

Tell us what you think. Would you recommend us to others? Your feedback is highly appreciated. Please leave your testimonial below. Thanks.

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Simon was brilliant, fantastic service. Nothing to much trouble. Their cars are great, something for everyones budget. Fantastic customer service Thanks for all you have done

Fantastic service from Simon, the owner. Really pleased with the car,which was in lovely condition and full service history. Nothing was to much trouble from all the staff at Kudos. Would really recommend this seller thank you

Warm welcome, great service and very efficient. Needed a car in a hurry following an accident, they had what I needed but it was new in and unprepared. They turned it round overnight and I was thrilled. Would highly recommend them.

Really pleased with the Citroen car I bought from Kudos motors.
Simon had it serviced , clutch adjusted and then put a brand new mot with new brake pads on for me.
Great little car and would recommend Kudos for anyone looking for a decent car to buy.

Great customer service. Friendly and efficient.
Would highly recommend.

I bought my Kia Carens from Kudos Motors and I am very pleased with the car. Simon was very fair and kindly took me to a petrol station to fill up as I was not familiar with the area. A very nice guy!

I've got a fair price for my tradein . Easy going sales staff no pressure to buy my new car . It was ready on the day fully serviced and a mot ready to go , definitely go back when I need another car .
Thanku Kudos

Great service from Simon and Phil, I would recommend the business to anyone looking for a new car.

Really can’t think how your service could be improved – the process of buying was straightforward, simple and hassle-free and the courtesy and helpfulness of everyone was excellent; that in itself would have been enough to warrant leaving feedback but the after-sale service support has been ‘above and beyond expectations’.
On encountering a problem (window mechanism) a month after purchase – it was attended to and fixed by the company owner personally (within hours of being notified) instead of being directed to the conditions of the warranty – which he would have been perfectly entitled to do.